Wednesday 12 February 2014

It begins: Questions, Commentary, Critique!

Questions, Commentary, Critique!

So it begins!

Hello everyone, my name is Matthew Medeiros and I've started this blog as a means of "getting myself out there". I am a semi-professional tabletop roleplaying game designer. I mainly write things for Pathfinder but have also dabbled in Mutants and Masterminds, Dungeons and Dragons (3rd, 3.5, and 4e - though nothing professional), and have a contract in the works for working on a new game system (which I'll get to later).

When I refer to myself as "semi-professional" I mean that I currently have a secondary job as a game designer for Dreamscarred Press (hired, not freelance), and am a freelance writer for both Publishing and Flying Pincushion (which - spoiler alert - is going into publishing).

I started this because ever since I started these decent steps down my dream-career I've had one of two families of questions asked: How did you get into the position you did, or, how and why do you design things the way you do?

So to put it plainly the goal of this blog will be to, once a week, post something new and creative. When I've attracted enough attention that people start asking me questions, I'll start posting additional times per week about how I got my first few writing gigs and answer questions.

Keep in mind my design choices for this blog will (eventually) be based on popular demand. I've some plans on what I want to work on and roughly how long but if people are interested in something in particular then I'll elaborate or continue designing that particular.

Questions, commentary, and critique are the name of the game.

As a general overview; here's my view on what will be designed over the next few months (in no particular order):

-A new sub-race of creature, these monsters are known as "Cave Crawlers" by those they hunt. They resemble feral gnomes and range from horrid, screeching clawed creatures to near-demonic monstrosities. Their only common characteristics: grey, pasty skin and large, yellow, dull glowing eyes. I'll be going over design choices and my personal preferences for mechanically unique monsters.

-The city-state of Haeronawk, a proud city with fiercely proud people. This is going to be a rather large write-up that will span multiple posts and be built for the Pathfinder system. It will cover the city, using all the rules from the CRB, Ultimate Campaign, and any other books that are appropriate. This will also cover important NPCs, factions, prestige classes, region-specific monsters, etc.

-Additional one-shot content: Wondrous Items, Spells, Magic Weapons and Armor, Rods, Rings, etc, etc. These will usually be themed and only things that I feel comfortable with - no imbalanced garbage.

Well, hope you like what you see and hope to hear from you soon!
Matthew Ryan Medeiros